With employer-tailored programs designed to make you the most marketable in your chosen industry, SCI is determined to help you find long-term success.

Of all the ways we help our students build successful lives, SCI is most proud of making each individual student more marketable in their field.

Southern Careers Institute has developed a laser focus on making our students more marketable with customized and employer-tailored programs.

Increasing the demand for our graduates and ensuring their long-term success revolves around three key elements.

1. National or State Recognized Certifications:

Every program at SCI focuses on preparing students with career training that will help them become eligible to earn multiple certifications and stand out when compared to graduates of other accredited colleges.

2. Career Skills Badges:

Every program gives our students the opportunity to earn a variety of career skills with electronic badges that serve as credentials that our employer partners recognize and value.

3. SCI Connect:

Our SCI Connect online platform matches our students to our employer network needs, and employers now have access to the verifiable skills badges and credentials in one location. Our platform gives every student an electronic profile that our career services team uses to market the student’s verifiable skills badges and certifications to the SCI employer network. The goal is to provide the connection with employers to help them stand above the crowd of graduates from other accredited technical schools.

Responses From Our Employers & Graduates

The SCI Edge and our focus on continuous improvement for a variety of career fields is how we fulfill our mission to ensure the long-term success of our students by delivering employer tailored programs that result in an increasing demand for Southern Careers Institute graduates. Our unique model of career training based on employer demands for specific verifiable career skills and recognized credentials has generated amazing responses from employers who’ve hired our graduates. It’s our goal to ensure this connection to our local employer needs and our student goals generates the most marketable student in today’s competitive job market.


We are accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education, located at 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite #325, Atlanta, GA 30350. In addition, our locations are approved by the Texas Workforce Commission and by Texas Veterans Commission to train eligible veterans.


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