Welcome to the Institute of Medical and Business Careers

Institute of Medical and Business Careers (IMBC) is dedicated to the preparation of men and women in occupational skills necessary to qualify them for entry into their chosen career. Programs at the school provide a combination of clinical training and classroom instruction to develop the abilities of its students for a successful career.

IMBC's Objectives are:

  • To provide the student useful knowledge for his/her specific career goals with emphasis on “hands-on’’ experience.
  • To encourage students to accept responsibility for their own actions and career advancement.
  • To make students aware of the reality and competitiveness of the business world for which they wish to enter.
  • To provide a faculty and staff who are dedicated to fulfilling the educational goals of IMBC and its students.
  • To provide a supportive environment (physical plant and resources) through the administration and faculty to accomplish the educational goals of IMBC.

The most important prerequisites for enrollment are good attitude and initiative. Institute of Medical and Business Careers philosophy and objectives are to combine these attributes with the school’s programs to help individuals toward a career of their choice to compete in the “working world” society. Institute of Medical and Business Careers will provide the necessary facilities, equipment, and professional educators who will enhance a productive learning experience.


The Institute of Medical Careers (IMC) was founded in 1995 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Institute of Medical and Business Careers is licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Education, State Board of Private Licensed Schools. In 2006, IMC received national accreditation status from the Accrediting Bureau for Health Education Schools (ABHES).

The Institute of Medical and Business Careers offers both two year, Associate in Specialized Business and Technology Degrees as well as Diploma programs in various allied health, trades and business fields. Students can graduate in 7-9 months and can be job ready.

Courses at the Institute of Medical and Business Careers are designed so that a motivated individual who has at least a high school education or General Equivalency Diploma (GED) can successfully complete the courses. Courses are taught at a step-by-step progressive level from beginning to advanced. Class sizes are limited at the Institute of Medical Careers to allow a close relationship between the student and the instructor.


The Institute of Medical and Business Careers is accredited by the Accreditation Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). Accreditation by ABHES signifies that the institution has met the eligibility criteria and evaluation standards of ABHES evidenced during its most recent on-site review and continues to comply with the policies and procedures for maintenance of accreditation as established by ABHES.

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